Thursday, March

8 Ways to Soothe Stomach Pain Due to Allergies !

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One of the common outcomes of food allergies is stomach aches. Although there are symptoms like skin reactions, people also suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Oftentimes these symptoms are confused by other diseases like gallstones or gallbladder inflammation.

The best gastroenterologist in Lahore says that When it comes to food allergy,  the remedy basically is to ensure that the allergen leaves the system.  Fortunately, there are a number of remedies that can help you get relief from the stomach pain associated with food allergies. Some of them might help you out.

1. Applying a Heating Pad

When you apply a heating pad on the area where you are experiencing pain, it really helps to ease out the pain and eliminates the minor cramps, spam, or aches. This remedy works by relaxing the tensed muscles and boosts up digestion. In order for the soothing effect to work, you’ll have to wait for 10 to 15 minutes.

2. Mint

Mint contains natural painkilling properties. You can consume either raw or cooked mint leaves. For instant relief from pain, mix mint leaves with cardamom, boil them, and consume them. Mint is the most effective ingredient that works wonders for any issue regarding stomach pain. , it leaves also;

  • Reduce the further chances of diarrhea
  • Help lower the spasms in the intestines

Mint is also consumed in the form of peppermint candies and mint-infused waters.

3. Saltwater

Saltwater is commonly known for soothing sore throats. But what a lot of people don’t know is that it works extremely well in curing stomach pain too. This is also called a salt water flush. It detoxifies the body by cleansing the colon and treating chronic constipation.

Make sure that you don’t consume it on an empty stomach as it can cause further cramps on an empty stomach. It further disturbs the stomach with bloating and causes dehydration. So, next time you feel pain in your stomach you know what to do, just mix a teaspoon of salt in a warm glass of water.

4. Lemon Tea

This one ingredient known for its smell and taste can help greatly in getting relief from stomach aches. Lemon contains an acid called carbonic acid, This helps in pushing the gas out of the body and treats digestion. It also helps in digesting fats and alcohol.

Next time you have a stomach ache, just take a lemon, squeeze it well in warm water and add a little honey. Cook it well and then consume it when it cools down a little.

5. Consume Ginger

Ginger is one of those ingredients that come to mind whenever there is a conversation happening regarding the stomach.  For years it has been helping people out with digestive issues.  The natural compounds found in ginger stimulate digestion, fights inflammation, relieve nausea and vomiting, and provides relief from bloating and stomach cramps.

Make yourself some ginger juice and consume it with food or tea. To add flavor, add peppermint leaves to your ginger tea.

6. A Hot Bath

Whenever you take a hot bath, the warm water increases your blood flow in the body and relaxes the muscles. This not only eases out the pain in the stomach due to any food allergy or indigestion but also helps you get relief from any kind of stress that you’re experiencing. Another addition could be bath salts. Add Epsom salts in the bathtub to soothe out the inflammation in the stomach area.

7. Hydration

The body tends to get dehydrated when you are suffering from any stomach issue, be it diarrhea or vomiting. So, stomach pain can also be due to the dehydration in your body caused by other stomach issues.

If you are someone who suffers from stomach issues quite often, it is important that you keep yourself hydrated.

8. BRAT Diet 

Consume a BRAT diet, which includes bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Diarrhea with stomach aches is the one symptom that occurs when someone has a food allergy. It is a bland diet that doesn’t irritate the stomach.

Brat works by stopping diarrhea and thereby the pain that comes with it. This diet also helps retain important nutrients which prevent the body from getting dehydrated.

Final Thought

If you still have questions about what foods to eat and what to avoid. Do visit your allergist. But an allergist alone is not enough, do get recommendations from your nutritionist too in order to get rid of the frequent stomach aches.

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