Tuesday, March 11info@digitalvisi.com

Author: Ciara Linnane

Controversial map strains the India Nepal relations. China is supposed to be in the backstage play

Controversial map strains the India Nepal relations. China is supposed to be in the backstage play

India’s Ministry of External affairs reacted strongly to the map produced by Government of Nepal, the official spokesperson of MEA, Government of India, Anurag Srivastava stated that this unilateral action by Nepal is not based on historical facts and evidences. New Delhi: The Indo Nepal relations are currently seeing the lowest level. This came as an outcome of the Himalayan country’s decision to release a controversial map. It showed several territories that belongs to India, as its own. India rejected this new map on Wednesday May 20th, 2020. India requested Nepal to respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Anurag Srivastava, the official spokesman of Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, reacted strongly to this new map. He stated that this unilateral a...
It’s boom time for podcasts – but will going mainstream kill the magic?
Entertainment, News

It’s boom time for podcasts – but will going mainstream kill the magic?

Hello buddies! Would you fancy hearing “a new kind of time-shifted amateur radio”? No? What about an excellent podcast? Obviously you need to do. 15 years back, Macworld, the sunday paper for fans of Apple products, announced, with limited fanfare, that Apple involved to include podcasts to iTunes, its music download offer. Regrettably, couple of readers understood exactly what a podcast was, hence Macworld’s “time-shifted radio” definition. In June 2005, the thought of getting a large number of ready-to-hear audio shows, everything from true-crime documentaries to any or all-chums-together comedy, to up-to-the-minute news to gripping drama to revealing interviews, or being able to pay attention to these shows without notice, wherever you're - well, that wasn’t quite happening. So A...
Coronavirus still is a global health emergency, WHO warns

Coronavirus still is a global health emergency, WHO warns

The Planet Health Organization extended its promise of a worldwide health emergency Friday among growing critique in the Trump administration about its handling from the coronavirus pandemic. The move comes exactly three several weeks following the organization’s original decision to announce a “public health emergency of worldwide concern” on Jan. 30. At that time, only 98 from the nearly 10,000 confirmed cases had happened outdoors China’s borders. However the pandemic keeps growing. Greater than 3.two million people all over the world are recognized to happen to be infected, and nearly one fourth million have left, based on official counts. There's evidence on six continents of sustained transmission from the virus. All this has brought experts within the WHO’s emergency co...