Wednesday, March

Code Anime Fighters Simulator (Dec 2021) Steps To Redeem

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Read Time:2 Minute, 3 Second

Briefing the sport

The sport was formerly referred to as ‘Anime Fighters,’ which reflects the expertise of Sulley, where you need to grapple with deadly evils. In addition, you’ll have to find and educate the effective fighters.

Additionally, make several most powerful players by upgrading them periodically. There is a players by traveling the game’s world and finding the unknown worlds.

Produced on January 2021

Gear types None

Genre Adventure

Creator Sulley

Within the next section, we’ve quoted some latest codes that will help you within the game’s journey.

Recent Code Anime Fighters Simulator


SpookyIsland Luck Boost

Thanks150k Yen and Luck Boost

EpicShutdown Freebies

DestinyIsland Luck and Yen Boost

ShutdownCode Tickets (Cost free)

NinjaRaid Freebie passes

Gold500k Luck Boost (Special)

SCity 15 Minute Luck and Yen Boosts

SorryForShutdown Golden Luck Booster for 15 mins

Insane200k Yen and Luck Boost for half an hour

1MilFaves Freebie Boosters

NewSulley750k Luck Booster

200milcrazy Golden Luck Boosts for fifteen minutes.

CurseHigh Damage Boosts and Luck boost (fifteen minutes)

Pog400k 15 Minute Yen and Damage Boosts

AlchemyLand Super Yen Boost

LuckIsland Freebie Boosters

Nice300k Boosters free of charge

Thanksgiving- it’s a new Code Anime Fighters Simulator Free Boosts

Poggers100Mil Luck and Yen Boost

Yeet250k Yen Boost

Sub2codenex Luck Boost for ten minutes

Sub2foxpanda Yen Boost

EpicShutdown Free Products

Sub2Numerous XP Boost (ten minutes)

Cyclxnee Boost (Luck)

CrimesIsland Luck Boosts

Sub2Veyar Luck Boost for (ten mins)

However, a couple of invalid codes from the game are-


UpdateDelay Yen Boost (20 Minute)

CraftBug 5 Free Tickets

TicketCode Fixed Raid Ticket

100kRecord Luck, Damage, and Yen Boost

Using or Redeem The Codes?

It ought to be noticed that these Code Anime Fighters Simulator are consecutive thus, please redeem them as earliest as possible by using the below-pointed out steps-

Start the ‘Anime Fighters Simulator’ game.

Then push the ‘Twitter’ icon appearing around the screen’s middle right section

Go into the ‘Codes’ of your liking

Once entered, then press the eco-friendly button.

Next, you’ll inform a verification proclaiming that your reward is active or otherwise.

Therefore, it’s requested to not waste your time and effort while retrieving the codes.

Closing Ideas

This Code Anime Fighters Simulator article can help you extract the rewards in-game, including Luck and Yen Boosts.

Furthermore, the ‘Anime Fighters’ game is from the adventure genre. Thus, kindly redeem the codes as earliest as possible before they expire. Find out more here concerning the game.

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