Friday, January

Extracurricular Activities and Student Success in High Schools !

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You may have heard that extracurricular activities are an important part of your high school life which encompasses the activities that you take part in and which are not constituted in the sphere of the normal curriculum of your Noida international school.

High School can be tough and maybe you are busy getting ahead or maybe you are just trying to keep up. Extracurricular activities fuel your learning by stimulating creative thought, improving your social and organizational skills, and developing your interests and talents.

By definition, extracurricular activities are activities that are pursued in addition to the normal course of study and are a critical part of your university application. They demonstrate who you are outside of the classroom and provide an opportunity to showcase your leadership skills and community involvement. However, it takes years to build an authentic extracurricular profile that strategically enhances your candidacy.

Your high school years are one of the best opportunities you will ever get to explore new activities, try different things, and see what you’re passionate about. Inside the classroom and outside of it, you’ll start to get a better idea of who you are and what drives you. Almost anything that you are actively and productively involved in, can be considered an extracurricular activity.

The admissions landscape is ever-evolving and as universities receive more applications every year, the baseline requirements to get accepted have changed. Now, top universities look for much more, especially when it comes to extracurriculars. Today’s admissions officers want to see proof of tremendous ambition and initiative, illustrated by a cohesive personal narrative.

So, if we’ve captured your imagination, here’s a line-up of Global Indian International School, a top-notch Noida international school’s picks for the top benefits of extracurricular activities in high schools:

  1. Improved Academic Performance – Extracurricular activities can improve your grades and your outlook on school. Participating in activities you are passionate about such as high endurance sports, music training, arts etc will train you to focus and build stamina in the face of intense difficulty and can increase your brain function, help you concentrate and manage your time better, all of which contribute to higher grades.
  2. Social Skills – Even if you’re not someone who finds social situations easy, interacting with your peers is essential to ensuring your high school experience is as rich as it can be. Joining activities with like-minded individuals is the perfect way to make your high school experience more enjoyable and those social skills will come in handy when you start university or your first job.
  3. Higher SelfEsteem – The more you achieve success through activities you’re passionate about, the more your self-confidence will improve. Working hard and mastering new skills in a fun, relaxed, and sometimes competitive setting allows you to be successful without the pressure of getting a good grade. Once your confidence improves, you’ll be more open to taking risks in all aspects of your life.
  4. Provides Essential Life Skills – On top of all the benefits of extracurricular activities, we already mentioned one of the greatest advantages it gives you are the real-world skills that include goal setting, teamwork, time management, prioritization, problem-solving, analytical thinking, and public speaking. The more you push yourself in your extracurricular endeavors, the more you’ll develop these skills.

Although you probably already participate in activities outside of a Noida international school, take the time to think about the benefits of extracurricular activities and how to maximize your passions. The lessons you’ll learn from participating in meaningful activities will help you with everything from getting a job, to applying to universities, to just living your life.

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