Saturday, July

How can companies get better at recruiting and retaining top talent?

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In today’s business world, talent can either make or break a company. That’s why you have to make it important to focus on your company’s talent. To ensure a company’s successful future, it is important for a company to get better at recruiting and retaining top talent. This ensures that you hire the right fit for your organisation and keep your current talent happy by watching out for their needs and providing for their every concern. 

There are many recruitment strategies you can follow to ensure this process works smoothly. Taking these steps will inevitably build your company a good work atmosphere and reputation, which will see you attract the best talent in your field.

Strategies For Companies To Follow To Get Better At Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent:

  • Focus on employee performances without bias

The 21st-century business space has no room for prejudice and hostility and candidates know that. The best way for companies to retain their employees is to show them that work is a no judgement zone and regardless of their caste or religion. 

All success in the work environment is based on each person’s merit. Your employees will respect you for this decision and this will build a sense of loyalty between the employees and the company. 

Sometimes it can be hard to oversee all of your employees’ performance though, but with uKnowva’s HRMS, you can see your employee’s performance and look at employees who are making a difference. This will help to show you the employees you should focus on in the long run.  

  • Find individuals who put value in your organisation 

Some employees make life easy. They have strong leadership skills, are always dependable, everyone looks up to them, when there is a crisis, you know you can turn to them to solve the problem.

Employees like these are extremely valuable to the business. uKnowva’s HRMS will help you identify these individuals within your organisation. Utilise these individuals by letting them handle important projects and give them responsibilities specific to their skill set. This will help your organisation look after top talent’s needs and bring them a sense of value. 

  • Help employees become valuable 

As we have mentioned earlier, investing in your employees is of huge benefit to your organisation. A good tip for retaining employees is to promote a learning culture in your company. Encourage your employees to build skills that will complement their work.

This can sometimes feel like a gamble for organisations because what if these employees leave, it will be a waste of investment. The truth is that investing in your employees will make them feel important and valued in the company. This is a way you can retain their commitment to the company. A simple way to initiate this is by using uKnowva HRMS’ eLMS program to help your employees upskill in their fields. 

  • Use uKnowva to make the hiring process easier 

Talent acquisition is vital for business growth and with uKnowva’s HRMS, you save time handling all your recruitment needs. With uKnowva, there are many features you can use to your advantage like : 

i) Ease with hiring: There are many job portal sites across the internet with strong potential candidates for your organisation but going through different sites requires a lot of time. uKnowva’s HRMS helps you post directly from your module to your company’s linked job posting sites.   

ii) Candidate sourcing: You can use uKnowva’s HRMS AI to test and filter candidates so you can find the right candidates for you. 

iii)Track Applicant Progress: ATS on uKnowva helps you save time by automating the hiring process based on your decisions, making applications easy to track for your HR teams. 

  • Listen to your employees 

Let your employees know that their voice matters. Listen to their suggestions and every once in a while, let them be part of the decision-making process if possible. This will let them know that you value their input and feel like they have a place in the company. 

A good way for everyone in your organisation to communicate would be using uKnowva’s Social Intranet. This makes communication between your employees and managers a lot easier and helps facilitate inputs and ideas from all the company departments.  

  • Promise career growth 

Top talent is full of potential, and they want assurances that they will have a chance to develop in your business once that potential is recognised. For recruiting and retaining top talent, planning for their career growth is crucial. 

Your business must promote career development possibilities if you want to attract top talent. This decision can help your company reduce higher turnover as top talents want to prove themselves and work hard towards achieving that goal. So, they do stick around and extend their tenure.


uKnowva HRMS is integrated to help your employees focus on their goals by keeping track of their performance. uKnowva’s AI is also built to highlight top performers to their managers and this is an incentive top talent can use to work hard. So, you can continue retaining and recruiting top talent using the above-mentioned strategies with uKnowva’s assistance for flawless integration.

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