Sunday, February


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I thought I would write this article after reading how to make leather shoes last longer. After seeing everyone’s “LEATHER SHOE REPAIR, RESTORATION AND MAINTENANCE” thread I noticed that many people were forgetting about their poor fellas who are not wearing expensive leather shoes. How can we neglect our non-leather shoes? They stink, smell and have poor man’s leather as a material. We need to dry our non-leather shoes too.


We suggest visiting ShoeSelector or better options.

Step 1: Find a sunny and hot day.

If you want to dry your shoes as soon as possible, you need to maximize the drying power of the sun’s rays. So try to choose a day that is both warm and bright for this task. Sunlight is crucial because it can speed up the process by adding extra heat into the mix.

Step 2: Clean out your shoes.

It is imperative that you clean out your shoes before attempting to dry them, because dirt and grime will only serve to prolong the process. It also helps if there are no loose laces or other materials in the shoe when it comes time for drying. These items can act as an insulator, and it will take longer to get them dry.

Step 3: Fill a large bowl with water.

Take the wet shoes and place them over the bowl so that all of their insides can soak up some H2O. You should check on them every hour or so and refill the bowl as needed, but this time frame is usually sufficient.

Step 4: Place the shoes in a sunny location.

Set your shoes out on a flat surface, preferably one that is uncovered and as reflective as possible. If you notice any overhanging trees or buildings casting shadows where you want to put your shoes, feel free to block those objects from interfering with the drying process. You will need as much sunlight as possible to get the job done.

Step 5: Take a hair dryer to your shoes.

Blasting them with hot air will quicken up the process quite a bit, so feel free to break out your hairdryer at this stage of the game if you are feeling impatient. This step is usually only needed for those especially wet and miserable days, but it never hurts to speed up the drying process.

Step 6: Allow your shoes time to dry.

Even with these steps in place, you may have to wait several hours for your shoes to dry completely. If you want them dried out quickly, set a couple of fans out where the shoes are and aim them at the shoes. This will cut down drastically on the drying time, as fans can make things dry up to three times faster.

Step 7: Replace the insoles.

Once your shoes are dried out a little bit, you should replace their insoles if they were removed during cleaning. Doing this now will prevent the shoes from smelling while they are being stored.

Step 8: Use a hair dryer to evaporate any moisture that is left.

Once the insoles are in place, give your shoes one final blast of hot air with your hairdryer. This last step will take away all traces of excess moisture and prevent bad odors from forming.

Step 9: Place your shoes in a drying location with good ventilation.

It is important that you find an area with some form of crosshatched airflow, like an open window or perhaps even on top of a fan to ensure that the shoes dry properly and thoroughly.

Step 10: Allow the shoes to sit overnight.

Once you’re done dropping your shoes off in a good drying location, leave them there overnight. This will ensure that they are dry enough to be stored away without any moisture issues.

Now that you know how to dry shoes fast, try it out the next time that your footwear becomes soaked through and learn for yourself what a difference this process can make.


The drying process will take some patience on your part, but the rewards are well worth it. Not only do you get to keep your favorite shoes, but they also won’t be smelling bad or anything of the sort after you follow these ten easy steps.

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