Thursday, February

How to Force Firefox to Show Download Confirmation Prompts

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The classic download confirmation prompts in Firefox allow you to control the browser’s download flow. You are able to allow or cancel downloads, choose the save location, or open the file having a different program.

However, Firefox 98. and above has the Enhanced Download Flow feature. For this reason, the internet browser doesn’t request download confirmation any longer.

Fortunately, Firefox has not removed the classic download confirmation prompt completely. You are able to disable the brand new browser download improvement flag to revive the classic download prompt in Firefox. Here is how to do this.

What’s Firefox Enhanced Download Flow?

There are many good reasons to use Firefox, but one of these is enhanced download flow. The brand new enhanced download flow feature in Firefox skips the download confirmation prompt and downloads the file instantly.

It is a handy feature if you won’t want to take download action for individual files. Furthermore, you may also set a default application to spread out files of the identical types instantly.

How you can Restore Classic Download Confirmation Prompt in Firefox

If you like to manage each file’s download location and actions, you most likely will not such as the new changes. If that’s the case, you are able to pressure Firefox to exhibit the download confirmation prompt by disabling the brand new download improvement flag in Firefox.

To revive classic download confirmation prompt in Firefox:

Launch the Firefox application and kind “about:config” within the address bar. Hit Enter to spread out the advanced configuration preferences panel.

Click Accept the danger and Continue.

continue but be careful firefox 1

Next, copy the next within the search preference bar:

Automatically, this preference is placed to True. Click on the Toggle switch (? icon) within the top-right corner to alter the preference value to False.

disable browser download enhancements to download panel 1

Alternatively, you are able to double-click the preference to alter it from in keeping with false.

Once done, relaunch Firefox.

Now, Firefox can have the download confirmation prompt if you attempt to download personal files. To revive the brand new default download flow, change and hang the configuration preference to true.

Observe that should you simply want to setup Firefox to charge a fee a download location each time, then perform the following.

Launch Firefox and then click the applying Menu icon within the top-right corner.

Select Settings.

always inquire where you can save files firefox

Within the General tab, scroll lower to Files and Applications.

Here, select Always inquire where you can save files.

There you have it. Firefox will prompt you to decide an area in order to save the file.

Restore the Classic Download Prompt in Firefox

The brand new switch to Firefox download flow is within sync along with other modern browsers for example Chrome and Edge, that have done away using the download confirmation prompt.

But, if you want to have additional control over each download, you are able to disable the brand new feature and pressure Firefox to exhibit the confirmation prompt.

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