Saturday, July

How to Simplify Your Phone Home Screen

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Today, a lot of people are using smartphones. Some are android users, and some are Apple users. But it does not matter what operating system your mobile device consists of or what company’s mobile you are holding until your mobile phone’s home screen looks adorable.

It means the first thing that attracts a person towards a mobile phone is its home screen.

You should keep the home screen of your mobile organized so that it should not look messy. Plus, it should also be easy for the mobile user to find the app to be used when needed. There are different methods available in the market that can be used to simplify your phone’s home screen.

Simplifying the home screen is helpful to reduce decision fatigue, serve as a visual reminder of how your phone should look like, and clear visual clutter.

Here are some of the ways that you can use to simplify your phone’s home screen:

Delete the Unused Apps

If you own a mobile device, you should keep it organized and easy to use. If you are concerned to know how to optimize your phone, deleting the unused apps is the best option. You should delete or uninstall those apps that are not in your use, such as radio, calculator, MS Word, etc.

In some mobile devices, there are games installed already in them. You can delete them instead of installing them. Remove the disabled or unused apps from the home screen.

If you are disturbed by any of your apps, you can uninstall it from your mobile and use it only on your computer. These apps may include Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.

Organize the Apps

It is recommended to simplify your mobile phone home screen by organizing them and dividing them into different categories. For example, you can categorize them and name them based on their function. You can organize all the work apps, social apps, photo and video apps, etc., in a folder.

Making folders help you to organize the apps and reduce the rush on the home screen. No doubt, the rush of apps on the home screen looks messy and makes it difficult for you to find the app you want to use.

When the apps are categorized, you can just click on the folder and open the app you want to use.

When you install a new app, you should not put it in any folder. You should check it for two to three weeks whether that app is helpful for you or not, whether you are using it or not.

If that app is useless for you, you should delete it instead of keeping it in any of the folders and wasting your storage space.

Use a Calming Wallpaper

The wallpaper of a phone plays a vital role in the appearance of the phone. When you are done categorizing and rearranging all the apps, you should move towards finding an eye-soothing wallpaper.

Make sure you find a calming wallpaper that does not affect your eyes. In other words, you should prefer light colors instead of dark colors such as orange.

No doubt, the calming wallpaper makes you happy whenever you open the home screen of your phone. To find the best wallpaper, you can search on Pinterest or Google for free android or iPhone backgrounds.

You can also use your own photos for this purpose, such as painting, nature, etc. Make sure you do not use busy backgrounds.

Do Not Turn on All Notifications

If you are concerned about simplifying your phone’s home screen, it is recommended not to turn all the notifications on. Some people want to get updated about everything on social media, such as some people turn on the post notifications on Facebook, video notifications on YouTube, etc.

Some people set a reminder on the calendar to remember something. That’s why they get notified at a specific time. If you want to simplify the home screen, you should keep it in silence. In other words, turn off the post notifications that are not necessary.

No doubt, notifications are so distracting that they do not let you do your work. That’s why you should turn it off from the Settings page. Whenever you get a notification, you get distracted and want to check the notifications from social media or any other app.

Turning off the notifications is like setting a boundary that lets you follow your schedule and complete your work efficiently and timely.

Add Multiple Home Screens

You can simplify the home screen of your phone by adding multiple home screens. You just need to swipe left or right to find the apps you want to use.

Multiple home screens help you to keep your apps organized. Some people keep all the applications on a single home screen that creates a rush on the screen.

If you do not like to create folders on your phone’s home screen, it is the best option to add multiple home screens. On the main screen, you should only keep four applications. The remaining applications should be on other home screens.

Add Google Search Bar

It is recommended to add a Google search bar on the home screen of your phone. It lets the home screen look simplified and lets you search for anything whenever you want.

You do not need to open the browser to search for something when the Google search bar is available on the home screen.

It becomes convenient for you to use your mobile phone if you are concerned about searching for something on Google immediately. Plus, this search bar does not result in creating any rush on the home screen. You can also use it to find the app you want to use.


There are different ways that can let you simplify the home screen of your phone. You should keep in mind that the selection of wallpaper and its colors play a vital role in this concern.

You should not consider the theme that is very bright or makes it difficult for you to use the applications on your mobile phone.

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