Monday, February

Legendary Leader Astd {Jan 2022} Know How It Can Acquire!

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What’s Astd?

Astd means All-Star Tower Defense within the Roblox, where any gamer can lead into it. You are able to uncover, add and share your understanding about this platform. It’s different groups of figures. It features a 6-star character list who’re named as:

  • Orange Mind
  • Shield Master
  • ZIO
  • Shirtless Demon
  • Kura
  • Lightning Secure

Fundamental essentials 6-star figures of-star tower defense. There are lots of other groups incorporated within this astd in Roblox.

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Legendary Leader Astd

The Naruto Shippuden anime series continues to be probably the most viewed and loved anime series ever. Their figures make a house in lots of hearts. According to one particular character named Madara Uchiha, the legendary leader is another hybrid 6-star type unit. It’s based off Madara Uchiha and could be acquired from Christmas Box III. Now, you may be considering the best way to obtain this Christmas Box.

Here, we’ll describe all of the tactics to get this box. You will get this box at Hero Summon, that is tough to obtain. There’s a couplePercent opportunity to obtain this box. Legendary Leader Astd is just acquired for those who have collected Christmas Box III within the Roblox.

Astd Codes

Multiple codes happen to be launched with this year. We’re discussing each one of these codes within our article. Following would be the current and approaching codes of astd with their rewards pointed out beside them:

  • world2comingsoon: reward is 250 gems and gold.
  • astdx2022: 500 gems, Ice queen, 1000 gold
  • merrychristmas2k21: EXP IV 1000 gems and gold
  • winterbreakwhen: 250 jewel and golds
  • december2021: 300 gems and 500 gold
  • ASTDDevs: Exp IV 500 gems and gold,

Each one of these rewards are indexed by the astd listing of the codes and could be used until they’re active. Once these codes are expired, you cannot rely on them. We discussed a great deal on Legendary Leader Astd there are plenty more to go over.

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The most powerful character in Astd

It’s thought that the most powerful and also the fastest character within the astd is Broly. Its range is 25 its Health spa is 5, the harm is 26, also it cost $500. Its movement is really fast that could dash forward, jump up, and slam lower the enemy.


According to our research on Astd, we found know a great deal concerning the figures of astd. We shared details about their codes. The data we collected continues to be shared here and can help you greatly. Here shows more information on Legendary Leader.

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