Monday, March

Tag: baby vomiting

Baby Vomiting | Digitalvisi

Baby Vomiting | Digitalvisi

Milk flows with pressure from your baby’s mouth. Is she vomiting or refluxing? Many babies are stated to become vomiting when they're actually refluxing. Its useful to understand the main difference because the cause and treatment differs. Learn how to recognize the main difference, what can cause vomiting so when a vomiting baby must visit a physician. What's vomiting? Vomiting is really a powerful action in which the items in the stomach are propelled up with the wind pipe (food pipe) and from the mouth. Projectile vomiting is how contents of the stomach 'shoot out' (just like a fountain) to some distance sometimes many ft away. Nausea and rething frequently accompany vomiting. Nausea may be the sense of getting a desire to vomit. Retching (sometimes known as 'dry retching') happens...