Saturday, July

Tag: California Sober

Demi Lovato Is California Sober: What Does It Mean and Is It Safe?

Demi Lovato Is California Sober: What Does It Mean and Is It Safe?

Demi Lovato is undoubtedly an award-winning American actress and singer.Loaded Rage/Getty Graphics The idea of “California sober” earned notice after Demi Lovato’s meeting on CBS Sunday Day in March. Because her near-terminal opioid overdose in July 2018, the vocalist says she’s located an easy method advanced that functions on her behalf. She told CBS's correspondent Tracy Smith, “I think the term that I best identify with is ‘California sober.’ I really don’t feel comfortable explaining the parameters of my recovery to people, because I don’t want anyone to look at my parameters of safety and think that’s what works for them, because it might not.” She continued, “I am cautious to say that, just like I feel the complete abstinent method isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for everyb...