Friday, February

Tag: Speaking in the Heart on Love Day

Speaking in the Heart on Love Day
Gift Ideas

Speaking in the Heart on Love Day

Most holidays possess a reasonably obvious history that permit someone to trace their roots making some feeling of their connected traditions. Even preschoolers can offer some form of why we eat poultry on Thanksgiving, the main reason we've fireworks on This summer fourth and who we recognition and why on Veteran’s Day, President’s Day, and Martin Luther King Junior. Day. However, the historic roots of Love Day and it is unusual mixture of traditions and cacophony of connections to like are not obvious. Dealing with the backdrop of Love day is really a circuitous path, starting with unsubstantiated legends connected having a third century martyr, adding some baggage having a turn through some Roman Lupercalia festivals after which accumulates some steam when Chaucer popularizes the concep...