Saturday, July

Tag: What is Collagen

What Is Collagen? Health Benefits, Food Sources, Supplements, Types, and More

What Is Collagen? Health Benefits, Food Sources, Supplements, Types, and More

Collagen is mainly responsible for your skin's texture, strength, structure and elasticity and strength.Cecile Lavabre/Getty Images; iStock Collagen belongs to the most current buzzwords in wellness. It’s hard to escape a grocery store without seeing tubs of powdered collagen. Alternatively, browse in a drugstore without noticing creams that claim they’ll boost collagen to keep you looking young for decades to come. But wait, how significant is collagen for your health, seriously? Understanding Collagen It is likely you contemplate collagen within your skin area because the message shows up each time any person is speaking of aging of the skin. It’s true that this protein plays a role in the perceived youthfulness of your skin, but there’s more to it. “Collagen is actually a prote...