Saturday, July

Tag: working moms

How Working Moms Can Break the Cycle of Trying to Do It All All The Time, Exploding & Guiltily Going Back to Trying to Do It All Again

How Working Moms Can Break the Cycle of Trying to Do It All All The Time, Exploding & Guiltily Going Back to Trying to Do It All Again

Working Moms Are Stuck within an Endless Cycle of Burnout and Stress. It’s Harmful to Them as well as for Business. Listed Here Are Five Ways Senior Leaders Might Help Them Liberate. Leaning in professionally, managing most their household needs, shouldering the responsibility of childcare responsibilities - working moms do all of it, constantly. The end result? An era of professional women extended too thin and pulled too much, stuck and stressed because they stay dedicated to their family’s needs as well as their professional obligations concurrently. They’re accomplished, driven, capable…and constantly unhappy. Still dedicated to performance and productivity, they press on, simply to, sooner or later, spend the money for ultimate cost: anxiety, exhaustion, and, eventually, reduced...