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Tag: Yellowjackets

‘Yellowjackets’ is the Net’s favorite anti-internet show

‘Yellowjackets’ is the Net’s favorite anti-internet show

Nostalgia, they are saying, is available in waves, each collapsing like a new generation learns how their parents resided. Within the 1990s, the narrator of Radiohead’s song “The Bends” announced, although sardonically, “I want it to be the 60s”. With time, popular culture was full of a longing for the 80s - a period that possibly saw its final crescendo using the debut of stranger things in 2016. Now, in 2022, it appears like many people - or at best individuals who make movies and television - lengthy for individuals days when Radiohead themselves first dominated the airwaves. This turnover, the phenomenon of individuals resurrecting the culture of history every couple of years, is better referred to as a cycle of nostalgia. However , there's no true way of measuring how frequently th...