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The Automatic LPG Bottling Process !

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Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG or LP Gas) refers to a mix of gaseous hydrocarbon compounds, essentially butane and propane. The high combustible LPG is an odorless & colorless substance. But during domestic use, we often find a particular smell to the LPG gas. It is not inherent but due to an additive, ethyl mercaptan which provides the stench that alerts the users of leaks. The non-toxic gas is heavier than air thus making it more dangerous as it settles down. LPG is produced during natural gas processing or oil refining. LPG is removed from unprocessed natural gas by a process of refrigeration. And for extracting LPG from crude oil it is first heated using a distillation tower. Then the LPG can be separated into its three primary parts: propane, isobutane, and butene. LPG is known to be a clean and green fuel as it emits 20% less carbon dioxide (CO2) than heating oil, 50% less CO2 than coal, and 70% less CO2 than wood. The use of LPG makes it an all-rounder as it is used for cooking, heating, and generating electricity.

The automatic bottling process is the process by which most of the domestic LPG cylinders are filled. There is also an alternative manual way to fill the cylinder but the process is very tedious and inefficient hence it is only used when the automatic process faces any crisis. The manual filling process is needed when the automatic process faces problems. The automatically filling process is more reliable and effective. Let’s take you through the brief of the process.

  • Washing Process: The Washing unit is the unit that is designed to be the incoming cylinders with multiple forced jets of water to remove mud, dirt, stains, etc. from the exterior of the cylinder. Then there is a drying unit to dry the cylinder after washing.
  • ‘O’ ring checking: Before filling the cylinder, ‘O’ ring of the cylinder valve is checked. It is required to prevent LP gas leakage.
  • Tare weight checking: Tare weight unit is the cylinder that is checked using a device. The cylinder weight is checked accurately so that the LPG filling can be precise.
  • Automatic Filling Carousel: The LPG is filled automatically in this assembly line-like setup. An empty cylinder enters the carousel, gets filled as it revolves around, and then leaves the carousel loaded at the point where it entered.
  • Weight Checking and leakage detection: The weight of the filled cylinder is measured and compared with the tare weight to ensure the correct filling of the cylinder. Then it is sent for leakage detection.
  • Safety Cap and Thermo-Sleeve Setting: A safety cap is a protective cap that is used on the cylinder valve. After capping, online equipment is used to crimp aluminium cap seal/Thermo sleeve around the cylinder valve as a final operation and finishing safety of LPG cylinder filling.

LPG is clean and safe but a lot goes into the process of making LPG safe for domestic usage. You can apply for a new gas cylinder connection online through a mobile app or website.

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