Sunday, September

Three Reasons You Shouldn’t Go to Court Without an Experienced Wrongful Death Attorney!

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Houston wrongful death attorney

1. Lawyers Have Resources and Experience

A Houston wrongful death attorney has resources and experience that will make it easier to organize your case and secure the compensation you deserve for the loss of your loved one. Resources are important because this will allow lawyers to contact experts about your case so your lawsuit can be reinforced with evidence.

Wrongful death lawyers also have a vast wealth of experience that allows them to come up with a winning strategy for your case. Experienced lawyers who have successfully won a wrongful death lawsuit in the past will know the best evidence to collect to support your case. Having the right evidence will make it easier to argue your case in court, convince a jury of your claims, and seek additional compensation from other liable parties.

2. Lawyers Minimize Errors

Hiring a lawyer to handle your wrongful death lawsuit instead of filing a lawsuit by yourself will also minimize errors. Wrongful death lawsuits may be civil, but these lawsuits also involve an extraordinary amount of evidence and legal documentation. When you file paperwork with the court, your documents must be flawless – otherwise, your case can be delayed or dismissed because of major errors.

3. Lawyers Relieve Emotional Stress

Most importantly, hiring a wrongful death lawyer will also minimize the emotional stress you and your family must endure during the grieving process. Instead of adding to your burdens by filing a lawsuit yourself, you can rely on a compassionate wrongful death attorney to handle all elements of your case.

Furthermore, many wrongful death lawyers work on contingency, which means you will not need to face financial stress to pay for legal services. For families that are contending with the loss of a loved one who was also the primary income earner in the household, adding a financial obligation for legal fees can be a massive burden.

Ask a Wrongful Death Attorney in Houston, TX: What Else Do You Need to Know?

Other than all the reasons you should rely on a lawyer to handle your wrongful death lawsuit, there are several other things you need to know about wrongful death cases in Texas. These elements may influence the outcome of your case, which is another reason it’s a good idea to hire an experienced lawyer.

Who Is Entitled to Compensation?

In Texas, the only people who are entitled to receive compensation from a wrongful death lawsuit are immediate family members who are related by blood or other legal means. For example, the spouse, children, and parents of the deceased are generally eligible to receive compensation. Children who have been legally adopted are also eligible.

People who are not eligible for compensation include grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews. The estate of the deceased individual is also not eligible to receive compensation for a civil wrongful death lawsuit. Instead, the estate must follow other laws for recovering finances after the death of the estate holder.

Where Does Compensation Come From?

Compensation for a wrongful death case comes from the party or parties that are liable for the accident that caused the death of the deceased. This can include other motorists, medical professionals, companies, and more. Importantly, experienced lawyers will know how to identify all liable parties in a wrongful death case.

For example, while a bus driver may have caused an accident that resulted in the death of an individual, the bus manufacturer or bus company may also be liable for the accident.

What Is the Statute of Limitations?

In Texas, the statute of limitations for a wrongful death claim is two years after the date of death. Ideally, you and your family should seek to file a wrongful death case as soon as possible to avoid this statute. If you miss this statute, you will not be able to file a case or win any compensation from a settlement.

Are There Damage Caps in Texas?

There may be some damage caps for your wrongful death case in Texas. For example, there are damage caps for non-economic damages for medical malpractice injuries and wrongful death claims. The details about your case may influence the damage caps that may be relative to your lawsuit.

Because wrongful death cases in Texas have several requirements that must be met, it’s often easier to hire an experienced lawyer to handle your case. A wrongful death attorney in Houston, TX will have the resources and experience necessary to prove your case so you and your loved ones can receive the compensation you deserve.

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