Saturday, February

Top Five Ways to Organize Your Computer

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1. Filter Your Computer Resources and Manuals

If you are like most of us, all the extra books, brochures, software and cables that come with your computer and printer and scanner and headphones and microphones and camera are all thrown into a large cupboard somewhere in case you need them one day. In fact, you may have thrown away all your recent computer upgrades and computer upgrades that you have saved for the past decade or so. It’s hard to know what to do with all those things, but you can adjust them a bit and also have an error 0x0 0x0 windows error.

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Invest in a flat file or magazine holder. Check out all the brochures and brochures to find the ones that are still in use today. If you do not have a computer like this, throw it away. If you do, just hide it in the box with any necessary software. Cables can fit in a separate box with any peripherals you may have.

A few flat file boxes can hold these items, have a special label and then neatly packed on a shelf where you can read the labels, hold them easily and use the booklet if you need it instead of digging and hoping you still have it somewhere.

2. Edit Media Files with Windows Media Center

The latest version of Windows Media Player is a powerful program that allows you to work with all your media files in easily accessible folders. To get started, simply open Windows Media Center and click on the location where you want to work first. For example, you can select Photos and Videos.

Within the photo library, you can edit all the photos stored on your computer. You can create new folders, edit photos by adding tags and move photos quickly while keeping them visible.

Give the folders you create descriptive words and make sure all your photos and videos are stored in the same parent folder, such as My Photos. This will make it easier to find photos if you want them and will make it easier to back up those photos to a different drive.

Your music files can be organized in the same way by using folders and tags to sort them by genre or playlists.

3. Wipe Your Desktop

A few new folders can go a long way in setting up your desktop. If you have a compact desktop, you will have a hard time finding what you need when you need it. If you have a few different categories of items on your desktop, perhaps shortcuts for Office programs, links to favorite websites or various programs that you use for work on a daily basis, organize them into a folder. Just create a few new folders on your desktop and drag and drop files to folders to extract them to your desktop.

Delete any shortcuts or files that only take up space and are useless, but be sure to back up any files you choose to delete beforehand – if possible. In ten minutes on this particular project, you will have a clean desktop with a few carefully labeled folders that allow you to get where you need to go without having to search your entire screen for a single program.

4. Edit Your Bookmarks

Editing bookmarks can be done in a few different ways. If you use a bookmarking site like Delicious, you will not only have your bookmarks, but everyone’s. You can easily view and edit your bookmarks using the social bookmark, but you may be looking for something more content, like My Favorites in Internet Explorer.

Each time you choose to book a website, it appears under My Favorites in the top right corner of the browser under the star. If you have a special toolbar installed, such as the Google Toolbar, you can also bookmark it. No matter what menu you use to scan bookmarks, you can edit them by creating new folders and labeling folders carefully. Drag and drop bookmarks into folders according to your labels and you will be able to find everything you need quickly and be able to keep new bookmarks in the right place as you save them.

5. Clean Your Email

Email is a way of life, but inboxes are often misplaced. Spend an afternoon arranging your inbox and create important message folders for quick access. You can use the search feature in your inbox to identify all the different messages from specific friends or clients. Just create an individual contact folder, or create a single contact folder within a specific category and transfer all important emails to that location.

Delete all junk and old emails. Error 0x0 0x0 windows error When you’re done with your inbox, go to the folder you just sent and delete the unwanted emails or archive them in folders as needed to unlock new features. Lastly, create email rules to help keep your inbox organized in the future

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