Wednesday, March

What are cavities?

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Cavities are constantly damaged areas in the solid surface of your teeth that flourish into little openings or holes. In other words, cavities are called tooth decay. The cavity problem occurs due to a combination of different factors.

Tooth decay has become the most common health problem among children, teenagers and adults. Your negligence can greatly affect your teeth and lead to an intense infection. Regular brushing and flossing are good habits that provide you with the best protection against tooth cavities.

Types of cavities

1- Smooth surface:

These cavities grow on the smoothest part of the teeth. You can prevent it with proper brushing and dental cleanings. During the age of 20, most people develop this form in their teeth.

2- Pit and fissure decay:

The front side of your teeth may affect the type of pit and fissure decay.

3- Root decay:

Root decay is a severe type of cavity. Preventing and controlling this form of the cavity is more difficult. It is an oral health problem which if left untreated can lead to intense dental damage.


Some factors play a vital role in the development of cavities. These steps generally occur:

When we utilize sugary things and starchy food such as(bread, fruit, candy, soda, juice, and milk. In this way, different kinds of bacteria grow in our mouths. The bacteria change these carbohydrates into acids. In our negligence, we do not focus on regular brushing and flossing. As a result, cavities begin to form in teeth.

The basic cause of tooth cavity is plaque germs. Plaque is the act of combining things.

  • Bacteria
  • Food particles
  • Acid
  • Saliva

Everybody has bacteria in his mouth. After eating and drinking sugary food, different types of bacteria turn into acid in your mouth. Without any hurdle, germs begin to affect teeth. Regular brushing is a very important step for you.This professional dentist in Lunenburg recommends brushing your teeth 30 minutes after eating or drinking.

Plaque also becomes sticky in your mouth. Enamel is a hard, strong, and protective surface on your teeth that protects against tooth decay. As you feel weakness in your tooth enamel, the danger of decay increases.

The majority of people are at risk for cavities but some people have a final stage of a cavity. The culprit element is a bacterium known as streptococcus mutans. your teeth are covered by bacteria which are called plaque.

After a meal and snack, bacteria turn into acid. These acids break down the outer enamel of teeth. Due to this process, holes, and cavities begin to grow. If you do not take any interest in treatment you will face severe pain. This infection can create major problems to the other part of your mouth. In severe pain people can neither eat nor sleep and miss days of work or school.


Every person who has teeth is at risk of getting a cavity. The following factors may increase the risk of a cavity.

  • Eating disorder
  • Dry mouth
  • Tooth location
  • Certain foods and drinks
  • Frequent snacking and sipping
  • Bedtime infant feeding
  • Inadequate brushing

Cavities and tooth decay are not taken seriously. We think that it does not matter, but be aware, that these cavities can have ever-lasting complications.


If you are not able to eat anything and feel extreme pain in your teeth, you should consult a dentist such as Dr. Syed Mannan Azhar whether your tooth sensitivity is due to a cavity or other causes.

Many symptoms can show the beginning of a cavity.

1– When you find a tiny hole, dent, or pit in your teeth this could mean that you are the victim of a cavity.

2– A spot or stain on a tooth that looks bright white, black, or brown could be another sign of a cavity.

3– Bad breath and unpleasant taste in your mouth are the symptoms of a cavity.

4– At the beginning of a cavity, you feel mild or no pain, but you can develop extreme pain in your teeth.

5– If you experience high pain in your tooth when applying pressure, it can be a symptom of tooth decay.

It is usually a tough task to see a cavity in its initial stage. A periodic X-ray at a visit to the Best Dentist in Karachi can help to identify the symptoms of a cavity.

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