Thursday, February

5 tips When you Use AWS Cloud Server

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Companies are now shifting towards cloud solutions as they are capable to provide benefits like stability, all time availability, on demand accessibility and high security and more. That too with pay as you go terms of payment.  More likely to know cloud solutions are made for the organization that demand high time availability of resources.

Now comes with the brand of Amazon. The company has launched a product named AWS that is an on demand cloud computing platform that follows pay as you go terms of payment. Although there are multiple cloud service provider like Microsoft Azure and others but Amazon AWS is one of the most popular type of cloud computing platform that owns a crown in the current market.

AWS is a combination of three types of services that are Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS) and Software as a service (SaaS). It provides content delivery services with power and storage. You can check this site further guidance regarding the AWS as well as the aws certification cost.

The new form of technology can provide wings to your business if they are used in the right manner. The right strategy of using a cloud platform like AWS will help you to minimize the number of mistakes that you may perform without even knowing them. In this blog we will be knowing about the most relevant top most 5 tips when you use AWS Cloud Server that will help you to achieve maximum with minimum cost.

Get the things right of IAM

Keep the priority of setting the Identity Access Management in the right order. It is also named as Identity management that assures that the right type of user get the right type of technology resources. AWS is not solely responsible for security. They work on Shared Responsibility Model that makes AWS a whole and sole responsible person for the security of the cloud and you are responsible for the things that are present in the cloud.

Moreover, IAM will help you to provide security to your cloud before making use it.

 Manage your things with Tags

AWS cloud provides you the most convenient feature of Tags that are specially user defined. Tags helps you to organize and clear the things up into a right manner so that they can be effectivity find when they are required by you.

You just need to define key value tags that are highly relevant to you.  This feature of AWS gives you the freedom up to 50 key value tags that are sufficient for a user. Tags will ease your process of managing your things to a good level.

Cost Control

Companies are working hard to minimize their cost of operation without affecting their ways of working. The challenge of cost control is hard to achieve. Especially when we talk about on demand solutions. AWS works with pay as you go strategy that means you only pay for the resources that are used by you. However you need to pay some extra charges to use the AWS resources but not to mention it comes with an affordable range to its users. There are some cases when people utilize cloud resources to a great extent and do not get high range of bills. However, there are some cases where companies pay bills into an unpredictable number. To minimize the cost of your cloud server by making the use of some popular tools like AWS pricing calculator and more.

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Work with automation

AWS provides you the freedom to automate the things and reduce the headaches of manual workings. Everything whether minor or major that is present in the cloud includes the power of automations. If you want to launch the virtual machine or to create an infrastructure all are done with the smoothing process automation. This will help you to enhance the quality of the infrastructure and will reduce the manual efforts. Get high efficiency than ever with the AWS automation feature.

Set Billing Updates

As we now already know that AWS uses pay as you go terms of pricing model for delivering its services to its customers. Make use of the cloud resources only when required and do not forget to terminate the same when you are not using it.  The AWS charges for its services on the basis of utilization of resources and hourly basis. This means if you store anything in the cloud storage you will be charged for per GB. In case if you forget to close the object or a project you may occur high cost without even using the same. To keep an eye on what you use how much you will be paying you can use the tool like AWS pricing calculator and to get a timely reminder of your monthly billing we recommend you to create a billing notification or alarm. This will allow you to generate a pre alarm system where you get notification every time you exceed the limit of your current plan.


In conclusion, if you are thinking to go with the solution like AWS cloud computing or even if you are already leveraging the AWS services than we hope this article helped you. Getting the most out of the AWS is not an easy task to perform when you do not have certain field experience or knowledge. Employing professionals who have deeper roots in terms of making the use of AWS service to a great level would help you to minimize your cost and will enhances work productivity that ultimately results in business growth. At last AWS will help you to achieve your long terms goals when utilized in a proper manner.

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