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Barbara May Cameron Wikipedia : Get Know More Information Hear!

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Barbara May Cameron’s career and life are described in this article.

In honor of Barbara May Cameron’s 69th birthday, Google displays her doodle when searching.

Her Wikipedia article provides more information about Barbara May Cameron and her bibliography. Barbara May Cameron is a Native American photographer.

Cameron, Barbara May

A special Google doodle celebrates Barbara Cameron’s 69th birthday on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. The reservation is located between the North Dakota and South Dakota borders of the United States. In addition to being a writer, poet, and human rights activist, she is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North Dakota and the Hunkpapa Band. Check out the full article to learn more about Barbara Cameron.

Barbara May Cameron: who is she?

She was born in North Dakota and raised as a lesbian, women’s, and human rights activist. Upon graduating from high school on the Standing Rock Reservation, Cameron studied photography and film at American Indian Arts, New Mexico. In 1973, she joined the Art Institute of San Francisco.

A Mexican artist, Sienna Gonzales, designed a Google doodle for the 69th Anniversary.

Birthday of Barbara May Cameron

Barbara Cameron was born 22nd May, 1954 to the Hunkpapa Lakota Fort Yates Tribe. Her surname is Wia Washte Wi, which means “good woman”.

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Achievements of Barbara Cameron

It was Barbara Cameron’s pleasure to participate in many events that improved the well-being of humans.

She assisted domestic violence victims and hate crimes as executive director of Community United against Violence. The mayor appointed Cameron to both the Human Rights Commission and the Community Development Citizens Committee in San Francisco in 1988. Cameron was appointed to the UN Commission on Women at the age of 34 (Age) by the next mayor of San Francisco.

Awards and activities of Barbara Cameron

Lesbian American Indian liberation group co-founder and first president Barbara Cameron.

From 1980-1985, Barbara coordinated the Lesbian Gay Freedom Day Celebration Parade.

The Bay Area Women Community Service Award was first given to Barbara May Cameron in 1992 for her community service.

In 1993, she traveled across the United States to educate people about AIDS.

Barbara Cameron died

Native American Health and Wellness Institute founder Barbara Cameron publishes Native American women’s writers’ works as part of her project.

Rhys Boyd Farrell was the son of Barbara May Cameron and Linda Boyd. Barbara May Cameron died from natural causes at the age of 47 on February 12th, 2002. When she died, her script, Long Time, No See, was still incomplete.

GAI was discovered by Barbara May Cameron for what reason?

In 1975, Barbara Cameron and Randy Burns co-founded Gay American Indians. Gay American Indians was the first gay American Indian deliverance group. Cameron has won awards in theatre and media arts.

Unlike the LGBTQ white community, Native American lesbians and gays had different demands and fights. Lesbians and people in the LGBTQ community were not well supported.

James Hormel held Barbara May Cameron’s documents in the Public Library of San Francisco when she died. Barbara May Cameron donated to the compilation Our Right to Love in 1978.

In conclusion

Barbara May Cameron was a poet, writer, and human rights activist. Click on the YouTube link to learn more about her extraordinary journey.

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