Wednesday, March

Arts & Culture

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Opportunity for Indigenous Community to Speak!
Arts & Culture

Opportunity for Indigenous Community to Speak!

Stories from the Dreamtime to Today Each year, NAIDOC Week provides a unique opportunity for the indigenous community to come together and celebrate their culture and achievements. This year's theme is "Get up! Stand up! Show up!", and the event speaks to the importance of solidarity and strength in the face of adversity. The week also commemorates important moments in history, such as the 1967 referendum that recognised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as full citizens of Australia. Many exciting events are happening throughout NAIDOC week - make sure you get involved. NAIDOC Week is always a great chance to learn more about the unique culture and history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and to celebrate the many contributions they make to our country. ...
Diamond Painting AB Drills: What Makes Them So Special?
Arts & Culture

Diamond Painting AB Drills: What Makes Them So Special?

When getting involved with this particular craft, people will tell you to invest in diamond painting kits with AB drills…but what are AB drills? What makes them so special? Don’t worry, you’ll find everything you need in this guide! What are AB Drills? Firstly, let’s address the name. AB is short for Aurora Borealis, the astronomical name for the Northern Lights. Every year, millions of people flood to various areas in the northern hemisphere to see this sensation in the sky. Rather than a typical night’s sky, those lucky enough to see the Northern Lights will see curtains of coloured light - the sky sparkles with green, purple, yellow, and all sorts of other hues. How does this relate to diamond paintings? Well, AB drills are different to solid-colour drills because they have a ...
8 Small and Tiny Painting Ideas !
Arts & Culture

8 Small and Tiny Painting Ideas !

Home is one of the dearest places to our heart. You not only need it to be super comfortable but you also want your home to look aesthetically appealing at all times. Picking up a paintbrush and getting started with painting is the most effective, affordable, and fun way to freshen up your house walls! Whether it’s a blank painting canvas or a blank house wall, coming up with a genius painting idea is not that easy. At times, all it takes is a moment of inspiration and on others, you keep on searching but in vain. If you know how to use a paintbrush but have no idea what to draw, here is a compilation of 8 tiny painting ideas for your home. When you have got enough budget, it’s smart to hire professional painting services for flawlessly painted walls. If you are a DIY enthusiast,...