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Col. Matt Langer Leaving DPS After 25 Years: Why is Col. Matt Langer Leaving DPS?

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Col. Matt Langer Leaving DPS After 25 Years
Col. Matt Langer Leaving DPS After 25 Years

Colonel Matt Langer’s departure from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) marks the end of a distinguished 25-year career dedicated to public service. As he bids farewell to the DPS, it’s essential to reflect on his contributions and the reasons behind his decision to embark on a new journey.

Col. Matt Langer’s Tenure at DPS

For nearly a quarter of a century, Col. Matt Langer has been an integral part of the Minnesota State Patrol, steadily rising through the ranks to lead the organization as its chief for the past decade. His tenure has been marked by a steadfast commitment to enhancing public safety and advocating for meaningful change within the department.

Achievements and Contributions

During his time with the State Patrol, Col. Langer achieved significant milestones, including his instrumental role in the passing of Minnesota’s hands-free bill in 2019. This legislation aimed to combat dangerous distracted driving habits, showcasing Langer’s dedication to saving lives on Minnesota’s roads.

Additionally, Langer prioritized internal support systems within the organization, such as the establishment of a chaplaincy program and a peer support team. These initiatives underscored his commitment to the well-being of his team members and their families.

Under Langer’s leadership, the State Patrol focused on education and enforcement efforts to prevent behaviors leading to fatal crashes, resulting in Minnesota’s roads being ranked as the third safest in the nation. Moreover, he championed efforts to diversify the force, aiming to increase the representation of female troopers and support staff to 30% by 2030.

Transition to New Role

Despite his deep roots within the DPS, Col. Matt Langer has made the decision to transition to a new role as the Director of Global Policing for the International Association of Chiefs of Police. This move reflects Langer’s desire to make a broader impact on law enforcement practices beyond the borders of Minnesota.

While his departure undoubtedly leaves a void within the DPS, it also presents an opportunity for new leadership to continue building upon the foundation laid by Langer. Lt. Col. Christina Bogojevic will step in as interim chief, ensuring continuity as the search for a permanent successor begins.

Who is Col. Matt Langer?

Col. Matt Langer is a seasoned law enforcement professional with nearly 25 years of experience, primarily within the Minnesota State Patrol. His tenure as chief has been characterized by a commitment to excellence, integrity, and the core values of the DPS.

Reasons for Leaving DPS

Langer’s decision to leave the DPS stems from a desire to pursue new opportunities and expand his impact on a global scale. While he expressed deep gratitude towards his colleagues and the people of Minnesota for their support, he sees this transition as a chance to make a meaningful difference beyond state borders.

Accomplishments During Tenure

Throughout his tenure, Langer’s leadership has resulted in tangible improvements in road safety, legislative advocacy, and organizational support systems. His dedication to public safety and the well-being of his team members has left a lasting legacy within the DPS.

Successor and Transition

With Lt. Col. Christina Bogojevic assuming the role of interim chief, the DPS is poised to navigate this period of transition with stability and continuity. Commissioner Bob Jacobson has emphasized the importance of finding a suitable replacement to carry forward Langer’s vision and uphold the department’s commitment to public safety.


In conclusion, Col. Matt Langer’s departure from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety marks the end of an era characterized by leadership, dedication, and service. While his decision to pursue new opportunities may bring about change, his legacy of excellence will continue to resonate within the DPS and beyond. As Langer embarks on this new chapter, we extend our best wishes for success and fulfillment in his future endeavors.

Col. Matt Langer Leaving DPS After 25 Years – FAQs

  1. Who is Col. Matt Langer?
    • Col. Matt Langer served as the Chief of the Minnesota State Patrol for the past decade, with nearly 25 years of service.
  2. Why is Col. Matt Langer leaving DPS?
    • Langer is leaving DPS to take on the role of Director of Global Policing for the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
  3. What were some of Col. Langer’s accomplishments during his tenure?
    • Langer advocated for the passage of the hands-free bill, focused on preventing fatal crashes, and promoted diversity within the State Patrol.
  4. Who will fill Langer’s position after his departure?
    • Lt. Col. Christina Bogojevic will serve as interim chief until a new colonel is appointed by Commissioner Bob Jacobson.
  5. When is Col. Matt Langer’s last day at DPS?
    • Langer’s last day at DPS is scheduled for April 2nd.
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