Wednesday, March

Diamond Painting AB Drills: What Makes Them So Special?

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When getting involved with this particular craft, people will tell you to invest in diamond painting kits with AB drills…but what are AB drills? What makes them so special? Don’t worry, you’ll find everything you need in this guide!

What are AB Drills?

Firstly, let’s address the name. AB is short for Aurora Borealis, the astronomical name for the Northern Lights. Every year, millions of people flood to various areas in the northern hemisphere to see this sensation in the sky. Rather than a typical night’s sky, those lucky enough to see the Northern Lights will see curtains of coloured light – the sky sparkles with green, purple, yellow, and all sorts of other hues.

How does this relate to diamond paintings? Well, AB drills are different to solid-colour drills because they have a coating that gives them a stunning shimmer and shine. If you want your painting to come to life with an extra glow, utilise these AB drills and you’ll quickly notice the difference. With an opalescent shine, it draws attention to a particular part of the painting and often makes the image seem more 3D.

Does this make diamond painting more confusing? No, and this is because AB drills typically use the same DMC system as traditional colours. Therefore, you simply replace the standard coloured drills with the corresponding AB version. You give your painting an incredible shimmering effect without lots of headaches and stress.

Choosing a Diamond Painting Kit Company

Over the years, those who enjoy diamond painting have come to realise that the best kits are the ones that come with AB drills. Rather than having to buy AB drills separately and potentially getting lots that you won’t use, choose a kit that comes with the applicable AB drills.

When it comes to diamond paintings, we also recommend choosing a company that uses poured glue on the canvas rather than a glue sheet. Generally speaking, this is the best adhesive, and it will lead to a better quality result. Your AB drills will stick to the canvas and provide durability (this is important if you plan to give the diamond painting to a loved one as a gift!).

Furthermore, it’s also best to choose a company that provides all the equipment you need to get started. After choosing a painting and getting excited about AB drills, the last thing you want is to realise that you don’t have all the pertinent equipment. Suddenly, you’re waiting for another delivery while the diamond painting kit stares at you from across the room.

Additionally, check the delivery terms of the company and ensure that they offer good customer service. If something goes wrong, you want to be able to contact the company quickly. Also, advanced companies even have a plastic offset scheme – this way, you know that it is giving back to the planet.

What Makes AB Drills So Special?

For one thing, they bring your diamond painting to life with a clever shimmering appearance. As you get more experience with AB drills, you’ll learn how to use them to effectively draw the eye of the viewer. Rather than using standard AB drills alone, you can add character to your image and make certain parts of the painting pop out of the canvas. With an added dimension, beginners and experts in the field generally agree that AB drills are a simple way to take a simple diamond painting to the next level!

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