Friday, February

Tag: assignment help

Four Crucial Tech Trends in 2022 You shouldn’t Miss Out On

Four Crucial Tech Trends in 2022 You shouldn’t Miss Out On

From the email you send from your phone to the television you play with a remote, everything is technology. The US overall tech industry market is worth almost $1.6 trillion. Employees in California noticed over 140,000 job postings in the second quarter of 2020. 34% of workers believe that their jobs will be automated in the next three years. Technology has always had a crucial role to play in this world. The pandemic, however, catalysed the digitisation of the world, which led to a significant increase in the demand for technology. Whether you plan to launch a start-up or pursue a career in any field, staying abreast of the right technologies always comes in handy. So, here are the four most promising technology trends that will shape 2022 and beyond. Artificial Intelligence ...