Wednesday, September

Tag: enneagram

3 Online Tests For Finding Your Enneagram Number

3 Online Tests For Finding Your Enneagram Number

What's the Enneagram? And how do you find my number? Fundamental essentials two questions I recieve requested most frequently after i tell people about my enthusiasm for that Enneagram-and appropriately so. Despite its acquired recognition recently and also the large number of books, social networking accounts, and podcasts speaking everything Enneagram, it’s still an abstract and curious system for a lot of. Possibly it is because there's nobody (right) strategy for finding your Enneagram number it required me several months to uncover mine. Despite taking all of the tests and studying numerous books, I had been never quite certain where I belonged. I Then took in to some podcast interview by having an Enneagram 4, also it was as though my very own ideas appeared to be spoken aloud...