Thursday, February

The Beginner’s Guide to Beating a Player at His Own Game!

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Although most sugar babies will admit that they’ve played the occasional mind game a time or two, they also find it uncomfortably difficult to avoid falling for it when sugar daddies do the same. No woman wants to date a player or actively goes out looking to meet one. Yet, most can tell at least one story about the time they found themselves in that situation regardless.

The first order of business is to recognize that if a player is currently stringing you along, it’s not your fault. It really does happen to the best of us, so there’s no reason to be ashamed. The second order of business is to get that man out of your life. However, there’s no harm in giving him a taste of his own medicine before you do. Here’s how to go about it.

Quit giving him your attention.

Half the reason a player acts the way he does in the first place is that he knows it’s a great way to get the attention he craves. So when he mistreats or ignores you, and you respond by doubling down on your efforts to get his attention, you’re actually rewarding him for his behavior.

That said, it’s time to start giving him the brush-off. This isn’t to say you should be mean or rude to him. However, you do need to deliberately make him work harder for your attention. Casually blow him off. Stop returning his calls right away. Be super inconsistent about giving him your time at all.

Stay out of his bed.

And, yes, that also means stay out of the backseat of his car and out of your bed when he happens to be in it, as well. Sex and physical affection constitute another large piece of the pie when it comes to what a player gets out of being inconsistent with women.

So if you haven’t slept with him or otherwise gotten physical, don’t. And if you have, pull way, way back. Players hang a lot of their self-esteem on whether they can get women to fall into bed with them whenever they want, so a great way to beat him at his own game is to refuse to play along with this aspect of it.

Keep seeing other guys.

And this goes double for sugardaddies that clearly have more going for them than the player does. Instead of waiting for your player to call, start sugar dating again and give other sugar daddies a chance. Take your latest Tinder match up on that coffee date he asked you to go on. Find yourself a hot older sugar daddy who takes care of you for a change.

In other words, stop giving the player in your life a commitment he not only never asked for, but likely isn’t giving you in return. Keep dating really great guys when you meet them, have fun, and enjoy your life the way you know you deserve to be doing.

Stop giving in to what he wants.

Players live for agreeable sugar babies who always go along to get along no matter how unhappy they might be with a particular situation. So if you want to beat this guy at his own game, it’s officially time to stop letting him have his way and giving in to his pushing when it comes to your plans together.

Start with changing how things usually go when you get together. Many players like to compartmentalize their different relationships, and that means a lot of dates that add up to hanging out at home alone together for the millionth time. The next time he pushes for that, make him take you out and show you a good time if he wants to hang out with you instead.

Go ahead and flake on him once in a while.

Every woman who’s ever dated a player secretly dreams of showing him how it feels to wonder if he’ll even show up, call, or be there when he says he will. So don’t be afraid to take that opportunity if it ever presents itself. Just ask yourself what he would do if the shoe were on the other foot.

Be vague if he invites you somewhere and asks whether you’ll meet him there. Tell him maybe, and then don’t bother to show up. Ghost his phone calls whenever it suits you. Be inconsistent about texting him back. Give him a chance to wonder what you’re doing without him, not to mention why things are suddenly different between the two of you.

Ultimately, no player is so handsome or charming that he’s worth sacrificing your self-esteem or sense of emotional wellbeing. So if you are dating a player (or suspect you might be), it’s officially time to do something about it and demand better for yourself. Start today!

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