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What Happened on the Day Oscar Pistorius Killed Reeva Steenkamp? Know About The Murder Case

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What Happened on the Day Oscar Pistorius Killed Reeva Steenkamp

On February 14, 2013, Oscar Pistorius, a South African Olympic runner known as the “Blade Runner” due to his prosthetic legs, shot and killed his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius claimed he mistook her for an intruder in his home.

The Tragic Incident

In the early hours of that fateful day, Pistorius fired four shots through a locked toilet door, fatally hitting Steenkamp. This incident shocked the world and led to a highly publicized trial that captivated audiences worldwide.

Pistorius’s Defense

Pistorius later testified that he thought an intruder was in the bathroom, leading him to shoot in self-defense. However, prosecutors argued it was intentional murder following a heated argument between the couple.

The Murder Case

The murder case against Oscar Pistorius began on March 3, 2014, in the High Court of South Africa in Pretoria. Pistorius faced charges of murdering Reeva Steenkamp and several gun-related offenses. The trial was marked by intense media scrutiny and public interest.

The Verdict

On September 12, 2014, Judge Thokozile Masipa delivered a verdict that found Pistorius not guilty of murder but guilty of culpable homicide and reckless endangerment. This verdict surprised many and led to subsequent appeals and legal proceedings.

Who is Oscar Pistorius?

Oscar Pistorius was born on November 22, 1986, in South Africa. He is a former professional sprinter and a convicted murderer. At the age of just 11 months, both of his feet were amputated due to a congenital defect. Despite this adversity, Pistorius went on to achieve remarkable feats in the world of athletics.

Athletic Achievements

Pistorius made history as the first amputee to win a nondisabled world track medal. He competed in both Paralympic and Olympic Games, earning the nickname “Blade Runner” due to his prosthetic limbs.

Parole and Release

After serving nearly nine years of his 13-year and five-month sentence for the murder of Reeva Steenkamp, Oscar Pistorius was granted parole in November. On January 5, 2024, he was released from the Atteridgeville Correctional Center in Pretoria.

Parole Conditions

Pistorius’s release comes with strict parole conditions, including restrictions on leaving his home, a ban on alcohol consumption, mandatory participation in programs related to anger management and violence against women, community service, and regular meetings with parole officials. These conditions are expected to be in effect until December 2029. Any violation could result in his return to jail.


1. When did Oscar Pistorius kill Reeva Steenkamp?

On February 14, 2013, Oscar Pistorius shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp.

2. What is Oscar Pistorius known for in the sports world?

Oscar Pistorius is known as the “Blade Runner” due to his prosthetic legs.

3. How did Pistorius explain the shooting incident?

Pistorius claimed he mistook Reeva Steenkamp for an intruder in his home.

4. How many shots did Pistorius fire on that day?

Pistorius fired four shots through a locked toilet door.

5. When did the murder case against Oscar Pistorius begin?

The murder case began on March 3, 2014, in the High Court of South Africa.

In conclusion, the tragic events of February 14, 2013, forever changed the lives of Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius’s story, from athletic glory to incarceration and eventual parole, remains a compelling and controversial chapter in the annals of sports history. The details of that fateful day and the subsequent legal proceedings continue to captivate the public’s attention, sparking discussions about justice, accountability, and the impact of fame on individuals’ lives.

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